Agar Neutralizer Acetic Acid Solution 5L

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Agar Neutralizer Acetic Acid Solution is a powerful solution for neutralizing alkaline residues on hard floors and carpets to return the pH level to an acceptable, neutral value.

Agar Neutralizer is also a powerful browning treatment for removing cellulosic browning stains caused by overwetting, flooding or alkaline reactions in carpets or upholstery.

When carpets have been extraction-cleaned with highly alkaline detergent, an alkaline residue may be left in the fibres. By rinsing with NEUTRALIZER, this residue is neutralized and the pH level is returned to an acceptable, neutral value.

When porous hard floors are stripped with alkaline polish removers, a similar alkaline residue may be left in the floor’s surface. By rinsing with NEUTRALIZER in the rinse water, such residues are neutralized so they will not be able to spoil the floor sealer when it is applied to the floor.

Carpets - Neutralizing Alkalinity:
- Dilute NEUTRALIZER to 1 in 100 and spray onto the carpet. Extract with vacuum only.
Carpets - Removal of Browning Stains:
- Pre-test for colourfastness by dabbing NEUTRALIZER on a white cloth onto each colour in the carpet or upholstery. If no dye transfer or fading appears, it is safe to proceed.
- Spray neat NEUTRALIZER onto browning stains and gently work in using a carpet rake, brush, cloth or gloved hand.
- Do not create a mist but use a coarse spray.
- Do not rinse carpets, but do rinse upholstery with a 1 in 100 solution of NEUTRALIZER.
- Dry as much as possible by wet-vacuuming or blotting with a clean white cloth or paper towel.
- Repeat application if necessary on persistent stains.

Hard Floors - Neutralizing after stripping:
- Dilute NEUTRALIZER to 1 in 200 in the rinse water and then rinse the floor in the usual way.
- It is best to rinse very porous floors with larger volumes of rinse water.
Safety Data Sheet

Code NEU5
Size 5L
pH 2 ± 0.5
Odour Strong vinegar odour
Colour Transparent, colourless liquid
Composition NEUTRALIZER is composed of acetic acid and water. It is non-toxic and safe to use. NEUTRALIZER evaporates leaving no residues behind.
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