Breakaway Food Area Approved Degreaser

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Degreaser for food industry applications.  Breakaway is a powerful water-based foaming cleanser, ideally suited for greasy and fatty soil removal of walls, floors and equipment used in the food, meat, fish, poultry and dairy industries.

It is particularly effective on protein build-up.  Available in 5L.

BREAKAWAY is a powerful water-based foaming cleanser, ideally suited for greasy and fatty soil removal of walls, floors and equipment used in the food, meat, fish, poultry and dairy industries. It is particularly effective on protein build-up.

BREAKAWAY is extremely versatile in that it may be used for manual hand washing, sprayed, broomed and pressure rinsed, or it may be applied by foaming equipment for maximum contact time on the surface prior to rinsing. Ideally suited for restaurants and commercial kitchens, as it contains no caustic that could damage painted or vinyl surfaces and cooking equipment. Use for all spray and wipe applications or manual scrubbing operations followed by a water rinse.

With low pressure foaming equipment, BREAKAWAY has been effectively used in meat rendering and packing areas in Supermarkets plus the areas behind the rotisserie and smallgoods sales counters.


1 part BREAKAWAY 5 parts water For extreme build-up of fat on extractor fans, filters, smokehouse carbon. Spray and wipe. Spray, broom and hose flush.
Spray & pressure wash. Hot water works better.
1 part BREAKAWAY 10 parts water Initial cleaning of floors and equipment, soap scum in showers, burnt on food residues, tyre marks, filter pre-soaking Ideal for meat industry applications and Cool room cleaning. Ideal foam-on dilution for rich, clinging foam. Pre-spray and pressure wash. (Agitate with a broom if required.) Hot water rinse if possible.
1 part BREAKAWAY 20 parts water Meat and poultry trucks, fibreglass containers, wine tankers. Foam or spray on. Water rinse after agitation. Work from bottom up.
1 part BREAKWAY 80 parts water Maintenance mopping of kitchen floors. Light to medium soilage. Soak tank cleaning of glassware, utensils. Mopping or general scrubbing or autoscrubbing. Hot water if possible.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Colour Clear, slight yellow.
Odour Mild, slightly sweet. No perfumes.
pH pH @ 1-100 11
Contains 4.3% Alkaline Salts - No caustic soda

Safety Information

See Safety Data Sheet for complete details.

General Handling Precautions

WARNING: This substance is alkaline. Wear rubber gloves and goggles if handling or spraying this product, or if used for prolonged periods.

*BREAKAWAY IS APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES for use in establishments registered under the Export (Meat) Regulations.